Friday, March 25, 2011

New Legislative Session In Pennsylvania - Just a short summary of some to the proposed legislation

There is a new legislation session in Pennsylvania.   A number of hot and interesting subjects are on the table for discussion:

1. Severance Tax- multiple proposals - one is  5 % of gross value, plus 4.6 cents per mcf.  The main variation in proposal appear to be where the money goes.
2. Impact Fees

Some of the legislation
House Bill 233 - 1 year moratorium on new permits
HB 210 - prohibiting wells using hydraulic fracturing or horizontal drilling within 2500 feet of a primary source of community water
HB 234 - creating a online tracking and reporting system for waste management.
HB 232 - banning drilling in and site preparation in floodplains, plus erosion and sedimentation control - plus moratorium on new surfacewater discharges for 3 years and more
HB 232 - authorize a joint study on cumulative impacts of gas and oil drilling by Fish and Boat, DEP and others
HB 37 - would enable surface owners claim title to subsurface rights after a 10 year period of non-use.
HB 375 - Updates Dormant Oil and Gas Act of 2006
HB 344 - gives PUC authority to adopt and enforce federal safety standards for non-utility natural gas pipelines and creates a registry - sister bill SB 325.

SB91 - requires changes in lease agreements related to landowner liability and limit liability for landowners.
SB127 - Well by well reporting of the chemicals and volumes used in the hydraulic fracturing process. 
and much more

Links to Senator Gene Yaw - local leader on this issue.
Rep Eddie Day Pashinski
Rep Mundy's Website

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