Thursday, November 18, 2010

What is Your Water Foot Print? Lets Start Conserving Water

I was aware of looking at my carbon footprint - but I never realized how much water I use.  I used the H2O Conserve Water Footprint Calculator to calculate the quantify of water I use.
The Calculator estimates the total amount of water you use, or your water footprint, using information you provide about your water use and habits. The Calculator takes into account not only the water used in your home, but also the water used to produce the food you eat, the products you buy, the energy you consume, and even the water saved when you recycle. You may not drink, feel or see this virtual water, but it makes up the majority of your water footprint.

Based on your water use information, the Water Footprint Calculator:

Provides a general assessment of your direct water and virtual water use, as well as a comparison to the national average of the combined direct and virtual water use of U.S. residents as developed by H2O Conserve.   Virtual water use - this is the hidden water use that goes into transporting, harvesting, developing, and manufacturing products.

Shows your total household water use, as well as the average use per person in your household.

For US residents go here

Note:The H2O Conserve Water Calculator is a short survey that will get you thinking about how much water you use, and how water connects to almost every aspect of your life. Your responses and results are not monitored or recorded—they are for your use only. If you leave the calculator, you can return without having to re-enter your answers.

You've completed the calculator, here are your results::

Your total household water use is 1,199.70 gallons per day
Your individual water use is 1,199.70 gallons per day

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