The vote was 157-33. You can find out how your Representative voted by going to the link below.
Below is a link to the role call vote.
An Act providing for a moratorium on leasing State forest lands for the purposes of natural gas exploration, drilling or production; imposing duties on the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources; and providing for report contents and for Legislative Budget and Finance Committee study.
House Bill 2235.
Fiscal Note on the Bill
The Proposed Ammendments - appeared to fail
The bill passed with one amendment offered by Representative Levdansky. The amended bill reduces the moratorium to three years, but also calls for two state studies of environmental and economic impacts. DCNR is now required to prepare a comprehensive environmental impact review to assess the impact of gas development. A study by the Legislative Budget and Finance Committee regarding the environmental, economic and societal impacts of leasing of state lands for Marcellus development is also required.
The final bill is located at
The Bill appears still does not appear to include evaluating the findings to develop Best Management Plans for drilling in these areas
Just my thoughts
It seems that what gives this legislation some "heft", some relevancy is eliminated later on in the bill. I think Brian is correct with his comment above. It has no guts!