Monday, July 4, 2011

The Best Way to Make Ice

Article - Submitted by:
First of all, you can make ice cubes from water produced by RO Systems. In fact, ice made from reverse osmosis, or RO, water produces cleaner, clearer and better tasting ice cubes because most of the bacterias are removed from the water. So, just because water is purified by a certain procedure, (in this case, reverse osmosis), has no bearing on whether we can make ice. I prefer “clean ice” – in many cases it is perfectly see through, except for a little bubble in the center of the ice cube. Also the benefit is that the cube is more frozen and melts less rapidly. Almost all people enjoy that as well.

So, why would an ice maker technician tell someone that RO water will not function on an ice machine? I can’t help but to suspect that through his experience, he has witnessed many situations where he is summoned on a service job and noticed that when the RO Treatment Systems was turned off and the ice-maker was connected directly to the natural supply, it functioned. This however does not mean that a Reverse Osmosis Treatment Systems will not make ice cubes. When one supplies a considerable volume of water at an adequate pressure, any ice-maker will produce wonderful ice-cubes through reverse osmosis.

The challenge with a RO Systems on ice-makers, especially the bar style ice-makers, is that those types of ice machines use a tremendous supply of water. Believe it or not, some of those makers can use 80-90 gallons of water a day! Unless you have a high volume RO Systems, it is futile to try and generate Reverse osmosis water to that genre of ice-maker.

Another challenge is pressure. Many newer model ice machines need 30-40 PSI (pounds per square inch) to function properly. A home RO Systems drops the incoming pressure by 30-35% if you are starting out with 70-80 pounds per square inch, that is ok, but if the incoming water pressure is 40-60 pounds per square inch, there may be an obstacle. Volume and pressure are separate obstacles. You may have adequate pressure to operate an ice machine, but not sufficient volume and it’s not as simple as installing another tank with enough of volume and minuet pressure.

measuring a RO Treatment Systems is substantial when you have a few water outlets, especially if some of them are an under-the-counter ice-maker. Most in home reverse osmosis systems are 24 to 50 gallons per day, or GPD, which is not nearly adequate enough for such an ice-maker. Also, creation is decreased whenever the water temperature is less than 77 degrees F, and whenever the pressure is below 60 Pounds per square inch. In our world, a 50 GPD RO Treatment Systems in the Midwest will likely produce 20-25 GPD, when the demand can be up to 150 GPD.

There are many simple answers, and the awesome news is that they do not have to be considerably costly. One strategy is to install a bigger system, such as a 300 gallons per day reverse osmosis systems or a high production system, such as GE’s Merlin system, which produces 1/2 GPM of Reverse Osmosis water. Another idea is to super charge the pressure coming in with a booster pump or turbo charging the reverse osmosis system pressure to 80 pounds per Square Inch with a Demand Delivery Pump. This type of system will supply plenty of excellent, great-tasting RO Systems water, without ever running out! So, you can use RO Systems water on ice makers, and businesses, such as ours can even install RO Treatment Systems on very large non-residential machines. If we are able to do that, your residential ice machine will be simple} to [clean up and supercharge to Reverse Osmosis Treatment Systems ice. The key is properly sizing the RO Treatment Systems and pressure needed to glorify output. Look for a company that will do just that, and relax with a cold beverage and fresh ice.

For More Information about Reverse Osmosis and Water Softeners

other water treatment systems and informational water testing services

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Pennsylvania Private Well Water Drinking Water Testing Progarm

B.F. Environmental Consultants Inc. has updated the web-portal to provide additional information and resources related to drinking water quality, private well construciton, water treatment systems, informational water testing, and baseline water testing.  The web portal is maintained by Mr. Brian Oram.   Mr. Oram-is a licensed professional geologist and soil scientist with over 20 years experience in applied earth and environmental sciences.

Mr. Oram has conducted research and consulting projects related to acid mine drainage ( AMD ), mine drainage, lake and stream monitoring programs, wetland creation and monitoring, filtration plant performance evaluations, testing new point of use water treatment devices and systems, hydrogeological evaluations, geological investigations, soils testing, soil morphological evaluations, water well drilling and construction, drinking water testing, mail order water testing kit program, and land reclamation.

Mr. Oram has also been involved with Citizen Monitoring and other Environmental Training Programs for groups within the United States, Europe, and even the former Soviet Union.  For more information about the informational water testing program, self monitoring testing equipment, or certified water quality testing please visit our web-portal.
Mr. Oram is available for workshops, professional training programs, and other community outreach programs.  Mr. Oram conducts baseline water quality sampling and chain-of-custody services related to natural gas development.
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